Landline: 0769-8228-5430
Landline: 4000-199-938
Mobile: 133-7776-1887 (Mr. Wu)
Q Q: 443-624-232
Address: No. 3, Lane 20, Yuanzaotou, Xiabian, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City
Domestic number control
1. The number tube is OM type, the texture is delicate non-reflective, the printing is located in the center.
2. Print content: flexible free.
3. Length range: flexible free.
4. Suitable for cable diameter 1.0 square to 10 square. (Other specifications please consult)
5. The imported equipment is automatically cut in half, the number tubes are continuously connected to facilitate stripping. .
5. Soft PVC blank casing / oil resistance / aging resistance / good weather resistance / easy to fade / good insulation. It still has good flexibility at low temperature.
6. Adopting German imported O ink, the printing is clear / fine / full / scratch resistant, with good oil resistance.
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